Saturday, November 3, 2012

Archdiocese of Kansas acts swiftly on Clergy Sex Abuse Allegation

The archdiocese of Kansas has acted decisively against a priest credibly accused of abusing minors.

Kansas archdiocese forwards name of accused priest to Vatican

Catholic officials in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas are asking the Vatican to look into a case involving multiple allegations against one of its priests.
The archdiocese on Friday said it sent to the Vatican the results of an investigation it conducted into sexual abuse claims by three men against the Rev. John Wisner.
“The Vatican will look at the report that the archbishop has filed and they will either say to him, ‘Here’s how we think you should proceed,’ or they will say, ‘We’re going to take the case into our own hands and do further investigation,’ ” said Rose Hammes, spokeswoman for the archdiocese.
Archbishop Joseph Naumann removed Wisner from active ministry in May after receiving a complaint from a 45-year-old man who alleged Wisner had inappropriately touched him in 1982 on a youth outing when he was 15. The archdiocese received two more allegations after that from men in their 40s, Hammes said.
In a statement released Friday, the archdiocese said it had investigated the allegations and found them to be credible.
Wisner, who also is a medical doctor, denied that he engaged in sexual misconduct, the archdiocese said. He could not be reached for comment Friday.
Wisner was ordained in 1972 and had served as an associate pastor at St. Agnes Parish in Roeland Park since 1985. He also has worked at Sacred Heart and Christ the King Parishes in Kansas City, Kan., and St. Joseph Parish in Shawnee.
Wisner also had been an associate professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine in the psychiatry and behavioral sciences department. He retired in September, a school spokesman said.
The archdiocese encourages any persons who believe they have been sexually abused by a priest, employee or volunteer of any archdiocesan parish, school or agency to contact its Safe Environment Coordinator at            913-647-0324      , the Confidential Report Line at             913-647-3051      , or local law enforcement.

Read more here:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pedophile's Hateful, Haunting Message to Victims

The author receives Holy Communion circa 1975 from the Holy Hands of Fr. Marcial Maciel, Legion of Christ Founder and Pedophile

The latest article on Jerry Sandusky  paints a terrible picture of a predatory pedophile

[Final paragraph of article]:

This was about seizing one final bit of control over the kids, the ones who have come forward and the ones who still remain silent. During the past year he did it over and over, whether it was waiving hearings at the final moment and forcing witnesses to prepare for nothing, or sitting with an ugly smug look as they testified about the sickest moments of their shattered lives.
This was a shrewd plan, and throughout this entire ordeal, of all the terrible things people said and proved Jerry Sandusky to be, no one ever claimed he wasn't remarkably intelligent, creative and cunning.
This was Sandusky bathing them in his narcissism, reminding everyone, and his victims in particular, that when he leans back on that prison bed, no matter how thin the mattress, uncomfortable the conditions or inedible the lunch, no one can stop him from reliving it all.
He wanted them to know: They'll remain his. Forever. That part of Touchdown Jerry, clad in red, remains safe and secure.
"A most banal, self-delusional, completely-untethered-from-reality, entirely-self-focused-as-if-he-himself-was-the-victim," McGettigan said, blasting Sandusky's statement.
"It was, in short, ridiculous."
The only hope is that it wasn't effective, that it won't stick with those frightened kids who became powerful men, and that the hateful, harmful words of Jerry Sandusky just drifted off into the Bellefonte air, soon to be forgotten like the shrinking pathetic man they took away on Tuesday to die.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Some Pedophiles get Punished; others, like Maciel, go scot free

Jerry Sandusky was given an effective life sentence after being convicted on 45 counts related to molesting 10 boys over 15 years. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

thought for the day; Sandusky gets 30 years for abusing 10 teens
Fr Marcial Maciel, thanks to his astuteness, Catholics choosing to be blind, and the Catholic hierarchy protecting him gets Nothing for abusing over a 100 teens
See link

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Marcial Maciel, Mexican, bigamist, incestuous, thief, rapist of girls and boys

Fr. Paul Lennon has the privilege of receiving Holy Communion from the hands of Holy Founder, Fr. Maciel

(Blogger's translation)
 "The severe condemnation by pope Benedict XVI  of the Legionaries of Christ, who he has ordered to be completely reorganized, and of their founder, Father Marcial Maciel, Mexican, bigamist, incestuous, thief, rapist of girls and boys, including one of his own sons -a character that seems to be taken from the novels of the Marquis of Sade-, is still not enough to dissipate the shadows with which  all that (meaning, clerical sex abuse) has covered one of the world's most important religions."

Mario Vargas Llosa


The Peruvian Nobel Prize-winning author, Mario Vargas Llosa, in his latest book: "La Civilizacion del Espectaculo"  ( Alfaguara, mayo, 2012 ) said this in the most eloquent Spanish which characterizes his writing:
" La severisima condena por parte del papa Benedicto XVI de los Legionarios de Cristo, a los que ha declarado en reorganizacion integral, y de su fundador, el padre Marcial Maciel, mexicano, bigamo, incestuoso, estafador, estuprador de niños y niñas, incluido uno de sus propios hijos - un personaje que parece escapado de las novelas del Marques de Sade - , no acaba de borrar las sombras que todo ello ha echado sobre una de las mas importantes religiones del mundo. ª
When he says " las sombras que todo ello ha echado" he is referring to pederasty by priests in the Church. Marques de Sade, ? not a bad description.
Regain has to continue to "borrar esas sombras" "dissipate those shadows"

Friday, September 14, 2012

81 Year Old Pedophile Sentenced to 5 years in Cambodia

Story below may help to illustrate the nature of this illness/crime which Fr. Marcial Maciel, Founder of the Legion of Christ (above, embracing current Superior General, Alvaro Corcuera),  suffered from/was guilt of

Cambodia gives 81-year-old Swiss man 5 years in prison for
pedophilia charges

By The Associated Press | Associated Press – 1 hr 24 mins ago

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -

An 81-year-old Swiss man with a history of pedophilia charges has been sentenced to five years
in a Cambodian prison after paying a 13-year-old for sex.
Hugo Leuthold's lawyer said he plans to appeal Friday's sentence as too harsh given his client's age.
Leuthold was arrested in March after police found him naked in a Phnom Penh hotel with the boy.
Rights group Action Pour Les Enfants said in a statement that Leuthold was also charged with illegally entering Cambodia
from Thailand, where he jumped bail in 2010 after being charged with sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy.
Cambodian police previously arrested Leuthold on Christmas Day 2010 on charges of sexually abusing four boys. He was
convicted and sentenced to two years in prison but was released after 10 months

Friday, August 31, 2012

Groeschel Condones Sexual Abuse by Clergy; Condemned by Archdiocese NY

Such is my take on the the interview he gave and published by

National Catholic Register.

Groeschel's Vanishing Comments Condemned by N.Y. Archdiocese

The Archdiocese of N.Y. has issued a statement condemning the comments of Franciscan Father Benedict Groeschel. If you missed his observations in an interview with the National Catholic Register that's no surprise. The entire interview was scrubbed last night ftom NCR's website after Father Groeschel thoughts on the psycholoigy of priest sexual abusers began to provoke widespread outrage. His comments, which seemed to excuse some priest pedophiles suffering "nervous breakdowns" and "seduced" by teens, came right out of the dark ages of the sex abuse crisis. Groeschel goes well beyong blaming the victim and excusing people who should have known better from reporting sexual assaults of children. He even offered an understanding heart for Penn State's "poor" (I kid you not) Jerry Sandusky. 
In a statement released today, Joseph Zwilling, Communications Director for the Archdiocese of New York, said, "The comments made by Father Benedict Groeschel that appeared on the website of the National Catholic Register are simply wrong. Although he is not a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, what Father Groeschel said cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged. The sexual abuse of a minor is a crime, and whoever commits that crime deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."
Groeschel was "inclined to think" first time offenders shouldn't be sent to jail "because their intention was not committing a crime."


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

404 Child Abuse Cases handled by Vatican in 2011

As a sign of transparency and its vigor in prosecuting such instances, the Vatican has reported that it handled 404 cases of child abuse in 1911

404 child abuse cases by clergy in 2011

The policy of transparency pursued by Pope Benedict XVI concerning paedophilia in the Church has led to a "considerable" increase in the number of reports of child abuse by clergy according to the 2011 edition of the annual report "The activity of the Holy See" published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana at the end of July.

In 2011 the disciplinary office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith opened a total of 599 procedures, of which 404 concerned cases of abuse perpetrated by members of the priesthood against minors. This was fewer than in 2010 but considerably more than in the period 2005-2009, the volume said. The Congregation initiated a total of 37 judicial proceedings and 189 administrative proceedings in 2011. It also submitted to the Pope a request for the removal "ex officio" from the clerical state of 125 priests and for dispensation from priestly obligations for a further 135.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Native American Children Sexually Abused on Mission

With misgivings do I post this notice. I have been supporting St Labre Indian School in Montana for years and today I found this news which is very sad:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Catholic Monsignor Convicted for Cover Up

FILE - In this June 22, 2012 file photo, Monsignor William Lynn walks to the Criminal Justice Center before a scheduled verdict reading, in Philadelphia. Lynn, who became the first U.S. church official branded a felon for covering up sex abuse claims against priests was sentenced Tuesday, July 24, 2012 to three to six years in prison. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)

According to a posting today on Yahoo news

The first U.S. church official convicted of covering up sex-abuse claims against Roman Catholic
priests was sentenced Tuesday to three to six years in prison by a judge who said he "enabled monsters in clerical garb ... to destroy the souls of children."
Monsignor William Lynn, the former secretary for clergy at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, "helped many but also failed many" in his 36-year church career, Common Pleas Judge M. Teresa Sarmina said.
Lynn, who handled priest assignments and child sexual assault complaints from 1992 to 2004, was convicted last month of felony child endangerment for his oversight of now-defrocked priest Edward Avery. Avery is serving a 2½- to five-year sentence for sexually assaulting an altar boy in church in 1999.
"I did not intend any harm to come to (Avery's victim). The fact is, my best was not good enough to stop that harm," Lynn said. "I am a parish priest. I should have stayed (one)."
Lynn's lawyers had sought probation, arguing that few Pennsylvanians serve long prison terms for child endangerment and that their client shouldn't serve more time than abusers like Avery. They plan to appeal the landmark conviction and seek bail while the lengthy appeals process unfolds.
The judge said Lynn enabled "monsters in clerical garb ... to destroy the souls of children, to whom you turned a hard heart."
She believed he initially hoped to address the sex abuse problem and perhaps drafted a 1994 list of accused priests for that reason. But when Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua instead had the list destroyed, Lynn chose to remain in the job and obey his bishop — by keeping quiet — as children suffered, she said.
"You knew full well what was right, Monsignor Lynn, but you chose wrong," Sarmina said.
The 61-year-old Lynn was acquitted last month of conspiracy and a second endangerment count involving a co-defendant, the Rev. James Brennan. The jury deadlocked on a 1996 abuse charge against Brennan, and prosecutors said Monday that they would retry him.
In 1992, a doctor told Lynn's office that Avery had abused him years earlier. Lynn met with the doctor and sent Avery for treatment — but the church-run facility diagnosed an alcohol problem, not a sexual disorder. Avery was returned to ministry and sent to live at the northeast Philadelphia parish where the altar boy was assaulted in 1999.
Prosecutors who spent a decade investigating sex abuse complaints kept in secret files at the archdiocese and issued two damning grand jury reports argue that Lynn and unindicted co-conspirators in the church hierarchy kept children in danger and the public in the dark.
"He locked away in a vault the names of pedophile priests. He locked in a vault the names of men that he knew had abused children. He now will be locked away for a fraction of the time he kept that secret vault," District Attorney Seth Williams said of Lynn.
Defense lawyers have long argued that the state's child endangerment statute, revised in 2007 to include those who supervise abusers, should not apply to Lynn since he left office in 2004. They also insist he did more than anyone at the archdiocese to meet with victims, get pedophile priests into treatment and send recommendations to the cardinal.
"He did the best he could under absolute awful circumstances," lawyer Thomas Bergstrom said after the hearing. "If he wanted to play the game, he wouldn't have met with them at all."
Lynn was the first U.S. church official convicted for his handling of abuse claims in the sex scandal that's rocked the Catholic church for more than a decade. But he might not be the last.
Bishop Robert Finn and the Kansas City diocese face a misdemeanor charge of failing to report suspected child sexual abuse.
Both Finn and the diocese have pleaded not guilty and are set to go on trial next month.

YAHOO! NEWS7/24/12 Pa. monsignor gets 3-6 years in sex abuse cover-up - Yahoo! News 2/2

"Protecting children has to be first and foremost," said Barbara Blaine, founder of the Survivors Network of those Abused by
Priests. "We're extremely grateful that the judge and the prosecutors did not give Monsignor Lynn special treatment because of his priestly status."

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pope Busts Argentine Bishop Frolicking on Beach with Beauty

Monsignor Burgallo in Mexico

 Fr Maciel with daughter close to him and with mistress [right] in Cotija, Michoacan, Mexico with consecrated members of his Regnum Christi Lay Movement

As reported the bishop resigned; blogger is not sure if he stopped being a priest -let's not jump to conclusions

He handed in his resignation today and it was accepted by the Vatican. It is not clear to this blogger whether he chose to resign or was 'asked to' by church authorities. 

remember the case of Fr. Maciel who stepped down from his leadership of the Legion of Christ, as superior general, after the investigation into his behavior was underway.

Stepping down as leader

After the reopening of the investigation in late 2004, Fr. Maciel stepped down as General Director of the Legion at the Ordinary General Chapter held in January 2005.[10] Fr Alvaro Corcuera was then elected by the same General Chapter as the new General Director. [from Wikipedia]

The blogger does not what the bishop plans to do after he resigns from his post:
Does he continue to be a bishop?
If so, where will he be assigned?

 VATICAN CITY - The pope has accepted the resignation of an Argentine bishop photographed frolicking on a Mexican beach with a woman, one of several personnel changes announced Tuesday by the Vatican before the pontiff heads off for summer vacation.
Monsignor Fernando Maria Bargallo, bishop of Merlo-Moreno outside Buenos Aires, initially denied having had any improper relationship with the woman, whom he described as a childhood friend. But the 57-year-old Bargallo later decided to step down under the church rule that lets bishops retire before age 75 if they're found to be unfit for office.
Photographs of the encounter were broadcast on television last week and have been circulating on the Internet.
The resignation was one of several personnel changes announced Tuesday by the Vatican before the pope leaves next week for Castel Gandolfo, the papal summer residence in the hills south of Rome. The Vatican frequently announces a rash of personnel moves before the pope leaves town and the Vatican slows down for the summer.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Argentine Bishop Busted on Beach with Beauty

The author in his post priest hood years on vacation in Guatemala

See TV report

Sound  bad and looks bad but maybe we should take another look...

Auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires hit the headlines today when some very compromising photos appeared in the Latin American media

Take a look at photos. If you speak Spanish you can see short statement by bishop

 Then I will share some personal reflections.

I remember being on the beach with two pretty lady friends in Cancun and nothing  happened; i was a priest at the time and I did nothing inappropriate for them of for me. Of course, I don't think Fr. Maciel would have approved...our would he?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"I will have no Adulterous Priests in the Legion of Christ" (Marcial Maciel)

                                              Adulterous priest in Dublin pub March 2012

As I describe in my memoir(!) "Our Father Maciel who art in bed...." [book and Kindle]
Fr. Maciel confronted me one day in Mexico City, circa 1980, in the gardens of Quinta Pacelli, with that vehement accusation... I was then a 37 year old LC priest running the School of Faith in the residential Lomas de Chapultepec section of the giant metropolis; he was the Superior General of the order and was 60 years of age. a paragon of apostolic zeal and flawless customs.

Historic words, as we now know from later revelations.

Read how I 'defended myself' from that accusation at the time and how Fr. Maciel later apologized to me and why. I won that round with the Master of Deceit, but he won the battle, shipping me off to the Quintana Roo Mission two years later to teach me another lesson in humility ...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Adulterous Priests in the Legion of Christ

Right now the media are having a field day with the case of Fr. Thomas Williams, LC, ordained in 1995, and heretofore a very successful and high profile LC priest. That is not a case of pedophilia but there could be an element of abuse if the woman were underage, or if he were in a position of power over her.

If we want to be tough on him we might call him an "adulterous priest" but maybe this is not correct because we are assuming the woman he got pregnant was not married; so he could be called an "unfaithful priest" which would fit the terminology of the late great Richard John Neuhaus.

More to follow

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rudolf Hess: Inside the mind of Hitler's deputy

Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess

A dog-like devotion to Hitler is why Hess is thought to have been given such a senior position in the Nazi party.

Rudolf Hess: Inside the mind of Hitler's deputy;

 papers of an interviewing psychiatrist, Dr. Dicks, recently released

Legion of Christ Founder, Marcial Maciel's,  hand chosen deputy is believed to be Luis Garza Sada, presently Territorial Director of the United States Province of the Legion of Christ; he was recently demoted from Assistant Superior General by Apostolic Delegate, Cardinal Velasio DePaolis. Maciel's favorite son, Alvaro Corcuera, still remains in his position under the direction of VDP


In the media, Hess had appeared square-jawed and strong, often pictured striding side-by-side with Hitler. In the flesh, that illusion was soon shattered.
"The first impression is undoubtedly of a schizoid psychopath," Dicks wrote in the notebook, which has only recently been made public by his family.

Find out more

Rudolf Hess
The Psychiatrist and the Deputy Fuhrer is on BBC Radio 4, Monday 9 April at 20:00 BST
"Compared to the photos in the press, the face is that of some tormented beast. The face is bestial, ape or wolf, that was at one time or might have been quite charming as a youth."
Dicks recorded Hess's intense anxiety prior to the meeting and attributed it to his unconscious feelings of inferiority around the British. After Lord Simon had rejected Hess's proposals, Dicks worried his patient would spiral out of control. His fears proved correct.
Days later Hess threw himself over the banister of the staircase in the building where he was being held. He demanded to see Dicks in the early hours of the morning then rushed towards him, jumping over the banisters and breaking his leg, according to the psychiatrist.
Hess survived, and his erratic behaviour continued to fascinate his British captors. A dog-like devotion to Hitler is why Hess is thought to have been given such a senior position in the Nazi party.

Rudolf Hess

Rudolf Hess at the Nuremberg trials
  • 1894: Born in Alexandria, Egypt
  • 1914-18: Serves during WWI, ending war as lieutenant
  • 1920: Joins Hitler's fledgling Nazi party
  • 1923: Imprisoned with Hitler and becomes his secretary
  • 1933: Becomes deputy of the Nazi Party after Hitler's rise to power
  • 1941: Seeks peace with Britain by flying solo to Scotland; detained in Britain
  • 1946: Convicted of crimes against peace atNuremberg Trials and given life sentence
  • 1947: Transferred to Spandau Prison in Berlin
  • 1987: Found hanged