The following is the text of an article that appeared in La Croix with the accusation against this priest
LA CROIX learned yesterday that Fr Thierry de Roucy had been convicted by the
Ecclesiastical court in Lyons on June 21, 2011, of sexual offences, abuse of power, and
"absolution of an accomplice" (in a sexual sin).
Fr. Thierry de Roucy, who was the founder of the charity POINTS DE COEUR and superior
of the order SERVITEURS DE JESUS ET DE MARIE d’Ourscamp (Oise) was found guilty
of the crimes of abuse of his position of authority, sexual offences, and complicit absolution.
According to our sources, the Ecclesiastical Tribunal in Lyons considered that the victim had
been forced into having sexual acts that were imposed on him by his superior who used moral
The facts of the case go back to 1996-1997. The victim is now married and a father, and
wishes to reconstruct his life whilst retaining his anonymity. He entered the order at
Ourscamp at the age of 18. Fr de Roucy was the superior of the order between 1988 and
2001. The victim confirmed that “he was progressively caught in a trap and found no way of
escaping. He made him his socius, forcing him do things that he did not wish to do and for
which he was unable to talk to anyone about” said a witness. The victim was sent on a
mission to South America where he made friends with a psychologist who advised him to file
a complaint for sexual abuse. This he did in 2004 with Mgr Jean-Paul James who was then
the bishop of Beauvais. Fr de Roucy was removed from his duties and sent to the abbey at
Bec Helluin. A canonical enquiry was set up and the following year the Congregation for the
doctrine of the faith, ordered a criminal canonical hearing to be held in Lyons.
At the end of the hearing that lasted 7 years, Fr de Roucy was found guilty on 21st June 2011.
And the sentence was confirmed by the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith which
condemned him to no longer hear confession for a period of three years in respect of the
members of Points Coeur, but the tribunal did not pronounce excommunication latae
sententiae which is contained within the canon law 1378 § 1 in the case of complicit
Fr de Roucy has no official post within Points Coeur.
“The lightness of the sentence is surprising but considering the complexity of the case it is
perhaps the cleverest way out when trying to navigate in such muddy waters” says a source
who has intimate knowledge of the case,.Fr Stéphane Drillon, the Diocesan chancellor for
Nice and Fr de Roucy’s lawyer, told LA CROIX “ The hearing is always covered by the
Pontifical secret, and I’m unable to say anything more to you without risking
The sentence was not made public as the case was still ongoing in respect
of the damages. However on 5th April, on the internet site Pastorale Nouvelles - beliefs and
deviant acts by sects 72, the sentence was published. Furthermore Mgr Dominique Rey, who
accepted that the Order Points-Coeur could set up home within his diocese of Fréjus-Toulon
in 2008, warned the bishops a year ago where the congregation was located and asked that all
members be informed, “You have to distinguish between Points Coeur and their magnificent
works, from the deviant acts of its founder.” Mgr Rey underscored.
This case and other tensions have caused a split within the Order of Ourscamp. Ten years ago
several members broke away to follow Fr de Roucy who has not been a member officially
since 2010. At the age of 56 yrs, he was recently awarded the Légion d’Honneur. He
currently lives in the USA in a home run by the order situated close to New York. He has no
official post of responsibility within the Points-Coeur but continues to visit their various
branches and houses throughout the world.
Points-Coeur: A catholic order for compassion and consolation founded in 1990 to send
young volunteers into disadvantaged areas of the world with special attention given to
The victim was over the age of consent at the time the events took place and does not wish to
take any legal action in the case.