Thursday, December 30, 2010

Maciel a Sociopath and a Criminal, not just a Sinner

Not saying he wasn't a sinner but the big problem is he was not only a Pedophile and a Reprobate, but a Sociopath, a person who loved to deceive others and used people with gusto for his own ends, breaking the law without scruple or remorse. That is the problem for the Legion of Christ and for the Vatican: the Founder of this religious order was a sociopath, an Emotionally and Mentally Ill person [technically, Anti-social personality disorder, according to the DSM-IV]; and from a legal point of view a Criminal

Now if God can use such a person to found a religious order then my hat is off to Him -I do believe that for God nothing is impossible. It just stretches my faith...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Legion declares Maciel a Good Founder but a Bad Priest

The Superior General, Alvaro Corcuera, has reached this decision after long reflection and meditation:

Picture of Fr. Maciel distributing Holy Communion to Legionaries, flanked by Apostolics

[from life.after.rc blog with a few minor edits by blogger, a translator]

Institutional position on founder

The Legion has released a formal in-house decree re the Founder, Fr. Maciel. One wonders what this means as the Legion had already said this on March 25 of this year. Maybe Alvaro wants to show solidarity with the pope. It could also be a way to move Legion die-hards away from stubborn allegiance to Fr. Maciel.


For the Legionaries of Christ

And consecrated members of Regnum Christ

Dear Friends in Christ:

Our General Director, after having meditated before God, having received many suggestions, and after having discussions with the regional directors and members of the general council during meetings held on 3 and 4 December, has found it necessary to take an institutional position in relation to Fr.. Maciel, founder of the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi Movement. This decree therefore emanates with the approval of the Papal Delegate, Card. Velasio De Paolis, and is to be applied in all places and works of the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi.

It was not easy to get to these provisions, as the person of Fr Maciel "is a mysterious figure," as Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges in his recent book-length interview. As we said in our statement of March 25th, "God in his mysterious plans chose Fr Maciel as an instrument to found the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi Movement, and we thank God for the good he did. While painful to accept, given the gravity of his faults, we can not see him as a model of Christian and priestly life." Our General Director is of the firm hope that this institutional position will help us focus more and more in the person of Christ, and to follow him closely united in love, actively fighting for his kingdom in the world.

We put this in the hands of Our Blessed Lady of Guadalupe, on the eve of her fest day.

Please remember us in your prayers
Yours affectionately in Christ,

[Here is the original -- improved translations over Googelle are welcome:

Nuestro director general, después de haberlo meditado ante Dios, de haber recibido múltiples sugerencias, de haberlas discutido con los directores territoriales y con los miembros del consejo general en las reuniones tenidas el 3 y 4 de diciembre, ha considerado necesario tomar una postura institucional en relación con el P. Maciel, fundador de la Legión de Cristo y del Movimiento Regnum Christi. Y por lo mismo emana este decreto con la aprobación del Delegado Pontificio, Card. Velasio De Paolis, para que sea aplicado en todos los centros y obras de la Legión de Cristo y del Regnum Christi.

No ha sido fácil llegar a estas disposiciones, pues la persona del P. Maciel «es una figura misteriosa», como reconoce el Papa Benedicto XVI en su reciente libro-entrevista. Según dijimos en nuestro comunicado del 25 de marzo, «Dios en sus misteriosos designios eligió al P. Maciel como instrumento para fundar la Legión de Cristo y el Movimiento Regnum Christi, y agradecemos a Dios el bien que realizó. A la vez aceptamos con dolor que, ante la gravedad de sus faltas, no podemos mirar su persona como modelo de vida cristiana o sacerdotal». Nuestro director general tiene la firme esperanza de que esta postura institucional nos ayudará a centrarnos más y más en la persona de Cristo, y a seguir muy unidos en la caridad, luchando activamente por su Reino en el mundo.]