The blogger throwing coins into Anna Liffey -Oops, the Trevi Fountain!
The blogger returns home in a week or so to give a talk on Undue Influence, High Demand Groups, Sect, and Cults: the Legion of Christ Experience at Trinity College [Mon 12 at 7pm]
The first few days I will be in Dublin, available to chat with any former Legionaries, relatives, or friends who want to say Hello.
It is also a return to the family, to sisters, nieces and nephews, and grand nieces and nephews, spouses and kids. There are lot to take in.
Visit me at the O'Callahan Mont Clair
Arrived safely on Sunday morning to an overcast Dublin sky but with the sun fighting its way in, the people smiling and friendly, and the warmth of my sisters Carmel, and Christine with her husband, Christy. Ah, its nice to be home! Checking in the Mont Clare -hope the Legion of Christ will not try to assasinate me there- and then off to visit my sister, Mary