Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Marcial Maciel, Mexican, bigamist, incestuous, thief, rapist of girls and boys

Fr. Paul Lennon has the privilege of receiving Holy Communion from the hands of Holy Founder, Fr. Maciel

(Blogger's translation)
 "The severe condemnation by pope Benedict XVI  of the Legionaries of Christ, who he has ordered to be completely reorganized, and of their founder, Father Marcial Maciel, Mexican, bigamist, incestuous, thief, rapist of girls and boys, including one of his own sons -a character that seems to be taken from the novels of the Marquis of Sade-, is still not enough to dissipate the shadows with which  all that (meaning, clerical sex abuse) has covered one of the world's most important religions."

Mario Vargas Llosa


The Peruvian Nobel Prize-winning author, Mario Vargas Llosa, in his latest book: "La Civilizacion del Espectaculo"  ( Alfaguara, mayo, 2012 ) said this in the most eloquent Spanish which characterizes his writing:
" La severisima condena por parte del papa Benedicto XVI de los Legionarios de Cristo, a los que ha declarado en reorganizacion integral, y de su fundador, el padre Marcial Maciel, mexicano, bigamo, incestuoso, estafador, estuprador de niños y niñas, incluido uno de sus propios hijos - un personaje que parece escapado de las novelas del Marques de Sade - , no acaba de borrar las sombras que todo ello ha echado sobre una de las mas importantes religiones del mundo. ª
When he says " las sombras que todo ello ha echado" he is referring to pederasty by priests in the Church. Marques de Sade, ? not a bad description.
Regain has to continue to "borrar esas sombras" "dissipate those shadows"

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