Dear Friends,
Sorry for the long hiatus.
I have been engaged in other things since my last post here.
ReGAIN,, has taken up some time, as well as my personal life which continues to evolve despite my "advanced"age; as a former Legionary of Christ, one cannot neglect one's personal healing and well-being; I have also maintained a live interest in the ongoing sagas of the Legion of Christ and it's continual challenges in the area of protection of minors; Fr. Maciel's favorite vice seems to dog the Legion's footsteps. As a "wounded healer" I have also attempted to answer calls for information and support on the ReGAIN web page mentioned above.
Your are probably aware that another former Legionary, from a more recent generation, launched a Spanish language Facebook page, Legioleaks, which has over 3,500 members from LC and Regnum Christi.
For now, I am posting newer versions of my autobiography, and my efforts to get beyond the scandalous original title which may have scared away some pious Catholics:
A New Cover
and some edits of original
An abbreviated version with a new slant
Kindle and Paperback:
Deceit & Lies in the Legion of Christ, Regnum Christi Federation: Revised, Abbreviated Original version of "Our Fr. Maciel who art in Bed", pointing out 30 Lies
Father Edgar Rueda is currently Bishop Rueda a Russian Orthadox